Membership is $40.00/year (US) if paid by check or money order drawn on a US Bank.
- 4 TCA Newsletters; one each quarter.
- The TCA is a Civilian Marksmanship Program Affiliated Club - so if you are in the market for any CMP rifles or other items, your TCA membership meets that requirement.
- Non-members pay a higher price to attend our Annual Show & Shoot. The cost of the club's liability insurance is included in your membership.
- Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP). The CMP sells military surplus M1 Garands, M1 Carbines and 1903 Springfield rifles, ammunition and other items (subject to availability). There is a requirement to belong to a CMP affiliated club to purchase riles. Your TCA membership meets this requirement.
- National Rifle Association (NRA). The TCA is an NRA member club. We purchase our liability insurance thru their insurance program. All club officers and directors are required to maintain an NRA membership while they hold office. Club members are highly encouraged to join the NRA.
- National Firearms Act Trade and Collectors Association (NFATCA). The NFATCA is the only association that works with the BATFE to ensure that the concerns, issues and questions of the NFA community reach the management level of the BATFE. Our relationship with the NAFTCA was key to moving the West Hurley Model 1928 Curio and Relic request to a successful conclusion.
Download the application form (TCA Membership App 2018) from the Membership & Order Forms Page